Shawn Watson

Orthodontic Dental Assistant


Orthodontics, Dental Care


Columbia College, College of Alberta


The condition of our teeth, gums, and surrounding bone is essential to our overall health and wellness. I am committed to providing you with information on topics aimed to help you and your families achieve and maintain optimum dental health.

— Shawn Watson


Shawn Watson is a former writer for Verywell Health covering oral health and hygiene. After working in a dental laboratory, Shawn began her career as a dental assistant for a general dental office that also saw orthodontic patients. This inspired her to learn the art of orthodontic dental assisting. She obtained the appropriate certification to then practice as an orthodontic dental assistant. For the next six years, she worked in two high-paced orthodontic offices in Calgary, Alberta. Shawn then went on to work in a multi-disciplined dental office that brought all aspects of dentistry together in one location. She also has extensive experience in general practice dental assisting, treatment coordination, and as a dental lab technician.


Shawn graduated from the Dental Assistant Professional Program from Columbia College in Calgary, Alberta. She was registered with the College of Alberta Dental Assistants for nine years and was a member in good standing with the association. Shawn also complete her orthodontic module, again from Columbia College, allowing her to practice as an orthodontic dental assistant. Shawn has attended numerous dental seminars and training courses related to both the clinical and administrative aspects of dentistry.

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Verywell Health, a Dotdash Meredith Brand, is an award-winning online resource for reliable, empathetic, and up-to-date health information on medical topics that matter most to you. We reach more than 300 million readers annually. Verywell Health content is fact checked and reviewed by our Medical Expert Board for accuracy and integrity. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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